Tired of the mundane life on Mount Titan, Pippa decides one night to descend down to the bustling and lively Obisidian City.
Eager to remain inconspicuous, she leaves her Titan warrior armour and weapon at home. Although weaponless, she is far from defenseless as she has been trained in combat from as long as she can remember.
Music can be heard loudly as she approaches the door of the Magma Tavern. She enters to a complete collection of characters of all sizes, races, class, and power levels.
As she walks to the bar, the mat is magically pulled from her feet and she trips. Although, with her training she rolls, plants and quickly turns around to defend. As she turns, she recognizes a face and is immediately filled with anger and reaches for her sword, only to recall it was left at home.
She grabs a nearby bottle and lunges forward....
To be continued -
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