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Evander of Runes (#11920)

Owner: 0xCa19…BA3a

Evander of Runes

Evander of Runes does not have a magical bone in his body. In some places he doesn’t even have a body at all, just a Megasuit. He does however have endless energy and and vast amounts of determination which makes him a very useful person to have around.

As someone who is the absolute opposite of the white hat wizards, the last place you would expect to find him would be the white wizard tower but that is where he has lived for the last two decades. There he lives surrounded by the most powerful wizards in the Runiverse who spend hours each day meditating on the most unimportant magical matters as far as he is concerned.

While the white hat wizards are capable of defeating almost any magical attack, if they can actually get their act together enough to cast a spell, the length of time it takes them to cast such complex spells means they are particularly vulnerable to warriors attacking them at speed with simple weapons.

Evander of Runes on the other hand is capable of punching his way through a mountain so any warriors that make it as far as the white wizard tower would not last long after meeting him. 

In return for this protection and the occasional mini adventure to collect something from the crystal caves (pity the poor harmless skeletons when he goes) or to take a message through the emerald forest the white hat wizards give him a life of magical comfort that would otherwise not be possible for him to achieve, including his favourite Bottle Of Rune Beer that is always cold and never runs out.

Adding the ‘of Runes’ to his name was initially a bit of a joke after the white wizards realised he couldn’t even use pre powered runes as most non magical people in the runiverse can. It stuck and now everyone in the white tower uses it.

Of course if someone outside the white tower used it then it would probably be the last joke they would ever make as Evander doesn’t really have a great sense of humour. 

Entered by: 0xCa19…BA3a