Being a Lycan, there's only one safe place for Bargo, and that is the Jungle. Cast away by everyone in the city except his loyal field dog, Bargo fled with his token west side pipe wrench. The wrench has turned out to be very much a gang affiliation for Bargo and he carries it with pride. Even though he has been cast away, he still considers the west side to be the best side.
The Jungle is full of dangerous creatures with powerful venoms. The only way for him to survive is with the help of his Toxin shield. Anyone getting between him and what he needs (or what his field dog needs) gets a bashing.
The Jungle is changing Bargo slowly. Maybe one day he will return to the city but how will he fit in? Maybe he could bring his new skills to use in his old gang if they would have him. Bargo notches the days he has been cast away into a tree. He looks for a cure for his condition so that he can go back to his old life.
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