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Alesssandra Dispatcher of Destiny (#11449)

Owner: 0xf36b…d58c

Alesssandra and Stealth

Alesssandra is a member of Wraith Jabir's Legion of Black Eden. Her bird of prey, Stealth is as well. They are special messenger warriors of the Black Eden specializing in forward scouting, reconnaissance, and information dealing. Alesssandra is tired of rumors. She is tired of Lies, at least Black Eden knows what it wants. There is great power in knowledge and information. Double Dealing, back stabbing, and outright brute are all things Alesssandra is capable of. Everything about her is red, like the blood she spills directly or by the mobilization of individuals against each other. She is sometimes referred to as the witch of the wind as whispers, rumors and questions circle her everywhere she goes. It all circles back to Black Eden. She also has a Rune of Venus that gives her some magical abilities and enchantments. Perhaps she is a witch after all.

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