Felix was born in a town in between Brown Wizard Delta and Buffkin Plains. Like most people in this area he was raised to be tough and hardworking. Although he appreciated being raised in a loving blue collar family in his heart he knew following his father’s footsteps as a farmer and hunter was not the life he desired. His dream was to one day become a knight. His family did not agree with this decision but they knew they could not change his mind.
When he came of age he went to join the Knights of the Delta. All of his years working alongside his father made him strong and well disciplined. It did not take long for him to become a full fledged knight. He quickly moved up the ranks and was assigned to be the leader of a small squad of knights. Some were jealous at how fast this young knight moved up the ranks but none could deny the results he and his band of knights were achieving.
One day he was assigned a C level mission to assist Buffkin herders who were dealing with a band of poachers. Felix and his men were able to secretly free the captured Buffkins but unfortunately when confronted by the bandits they discovered there were far more of them than what was in the report. This clearly should have been a higher level mission and Felix quickly realized that the senior knight that gave them this assignment was one that was always jealous of him. Felix, his comrades and even some of the freed Buffkins who came back to help, fought as hard as they could but being outnumbered two to one they quickly succumbed to the barrage of attacks.
Felix awoke tied up on a ship along with one of the Buffkins that tried to help them fight the bandits. Listening to his captures talk he learned that they were the only remaining survivors of the attack. He blamed himself for the loss of his comrades but wondered why the two of them were still alive.
When the bandits’ ship docked Felix and the Buffkin who he began calling Rex were brought before a group of people to be auctioned off as competitors for arena fighting. The bandits told him that they lost a lot of money when he freed the Buffkins and by selling him and Rex they would try to recoup some of their losses. Felix and Rex were both sold to the same buyer and soon the name Felix Razer of the Arena would be born.
To Be Continued
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