Quietly, with the stealth of a jaguar in night, Jack crept into the villiage. His only trace shadows cast by the soft glow of torches left aflame to ward off hungry Lowland beasts. He entered the first door he came across. It was the local tavern. Its occupants all fallen silent beneath the curtains of a full night of drink and dance. Some laid across the bar and tables, others made their way to the rooms spread throughout the inn.
Just at that moment, an older man pushed through a side door holding a keg of mead. He was startled by Jack, he turned and said, "Can I get yo..."
But before he could finish, Jack had claimed yet another victory. He swung his saber an relieved this villian if his head.
As the old man (villian)'s head fell to the floor it made a loud THUD!
Other patrons began to rouse from their slumbers. One nearby awoke and then looked at Jack and screamed, "What did you do to Lar..", but before he could finish his battlecry, Jack again claimed victory!
This continued for some time as Jack emerged victorious over everyone in the Tavern that night. Their poorly constructed weapons made from random furniture and table cutlery were no match for Jack's legendary saber.
At the end of the battle, Jack covered in villian's blood slumped into a stool at the bar and pondered to himself in the same thick Lowland lisp that identified all in the Shaver clan, "Does anyone even notice how much time I spend on these eyebrows? I feel like no one even cares. It's a friggin masterpiece what I do with this caveman unibrow every day and no one even notices. I could go to battle looking like some sort of werewolf but I don't. I care. Jack Shaver cares. I've got to get out of these Lowlands..."
And so he shall. And. So. He. Shall.
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