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Wraith Knight Oberon of the Chasm (#9316)

Owner: 0xb444…c136

The Lore of Wraith Knight Oberon of the Chasm

Wraith Knight Oberon was an optometrist in his mortal life. He's always loved and been fascinated by eyeballs since a very young age, and as an eye doctor, pioneered a magical eye treatment that used a low-intensity laser spell to cure myopia. The theory was sound, he was certain it would work, but the FRMA (Forgotten Runes Medical Association) rejected his application to initiate clinical trials of his procedure, citing safety concerns. Confident that his treatment would finally rid the Runiverse of unwieldy spectacles for good, but unable to obtain study subjects, Oberon decided to experiment on himself to show the naysayers that his procedure was both safe and efficacious. Unfortunately, he miscalculated the strength of the laser spell, and the resulting laser beam ended up shearing straight through his eye and into his brain, killing him instantly.

As a Wraith Knight, Oberon is still dedicated to purging the Forgotten Runes of the curse of nearsightedness, but now he's doing it by seeking out and murdering Runesfolk who wear glasses. At least no one can say he's not dedicated to his profession. Oberon collects the eyeballs of his victims as trophies, and especially likes the rare ones, which he ranks according to a trait and statistical rarity percentage chart of his own devising. He even launched his own business, which sells a currency he calls EyeCoin ($EYE) that allows investors to purchase a fractionalized ownership stake to his vault of accumulated eyeballs. Strangely, no one has expressed interest in buying any yet. Perplexed, Oberon hired a marketing firm who advised him to airdrop a few tokens to some of the most influential celebrities in the Runiverse to drum up demand, which he's currently crafting a spell to accomplish.

Oberon's grail is the all-seeing eye of an far the most potent and rarest of eyeballs, rumor has it there are only 24 of these in all the Forgotten Runes. They all belong to extremely powerful wizards, so he knows he has his work cut out for him, but Oberon is confident that one day he will be able to murder one of the Illuminati and finally obtain his long-desired treasure. So far he has not been successful in even finding an an avid eye collector and savvy investor, he has put the word out amongst all the cursed and damned creatures of the Quantum Shadow that he's willing to pay handsomely for any leads. Time will tell if these seeds will bear fruit, but he's keeping his fingers crossed!

Entered by: 0x3e17…7e9e and preserved on chain (see transaction)