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Blue Coffin (#8531)

Owner: 0x392e…dd23


Ancient Blue Coffin of Count Wagmi

** Lore Entry I

The Lore of the Ancient Blue Coffin of Count Wagi was discovered not long ago in the deep catacombs of the temple of Eternal Flame by a group of wary warriors searching for the Lost Crystal of Eternal Life. While fighting their way through the treacherous passages against all odds through the ferocious giant spiders and horrifying lost souls they reach a dead-end to where they thought the Lost Crystal of Eternal Life should have been. Instead, they are left at a rune scape covered stone wall, confused as to what they had just come across one of the warriors unknowingly nor fully understanding what was inscribed on the walls, he reads aloud what he could make little of recalling from his young apprenticeship with Merlin in an undistinguished dialect known to the Lost Souls as the Ancient Language.

Translation text
For thoes who seek eternal life, To the crystals and the ancients both alike, Thus everything shall have its price, Be what lies behind these walls, Best beware of Count Wagmi's Halls, Light or Dark one shall fall. Open Sesame

Engravings of the stone wall *

Songs of the Ancients

Entered by: 0x8F6D…1F7d and preserved on chain (see transaction)