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Hunted Stag Muntjac of the Haze (#7387)

Owner: 0x13ED…6A3b

Cosmology of the Haze

A pamphlet written by Hunted Stag Muntjac of the Haze

  1. What is the Haze?

The haze is the layer that sits on top of your reality. Most are unaware of its presence. Those that are spiritually sensitive can tug at the corners of the haze; peeking through; temporarily inhaling whiffs of that plane.

The rare few who have the sharpest spiritual proclivity can temporarily lift up the veil of reality and inhabit this realm. However, their living vessel cannot freely roam the haze for long.

Even less occurrent, are those who pass through the sacred flame with the intention of occupying the haze. These souls are bound to the haze.

  1. But really, what is the Haze?

Time for a thought experiment: think about the most simple element, Hydrogren. There are 5.291772 x 10^-11 meters of empty space between the nucleus of a hydrogen atom and its electron (when in the grounded state). Most of the space an atom 'occupies' is empty. Scientists often gloss over defining what this empty space is.

Those who occupy the Haze know there is no such thing as 'empty space'. It is actually the physical manifestation of the Haze. It occupies all that is 'in-between'. The topology of the Haze undulates in harmony with physical matter. It is not that physical matter pushes the Haze, or the Haze warps physical matter; it's more accurate to say they move because of each other.

  1. Another fact about hazy spaces.

On a continuous spectrum, there are infinitely many points in the space between two points. Everything has always been in the spaces you thought were empty. In all of them. Each and every one of them.

  1. How did this pamphlet arrive from the Haze?

If you are reading this, it means that my theories are correct: it is indeed possible for Haze Dwellers to materialize inanimate objects from the Haze to the physical world. I have tried, and failed many times.

Plasmatic electrolysis: failure.

Destructive condensation: failure.

I have a hunch that my more recent attempts at phantasmagorphic smoke distillation through inhalation will achieve materialization of this pamphlet in your world. If you are reading this please send a smoke signal to the subspace address of: 0x13ED8515eA47b0B2dc20c7478F839E92b48f6A3b

Entered by: 0x13ED…6A3b and preserved on chain (see transaction)