Chasms open, shadow through the veins
of ancient titans, riding with the flow
of sacred blood, all chanting the refrain
of solemn consecration. Oh, I know
the way to knit a heart from ragged shards
to whole and beating. Bushels full of words
and rest, and succor. Healing souls is hard,
but once I start, it’s like I always heard
the pain of others. Place me on no throne,
raise statues not, but healing-halls instead,
and let me never find myself alone—
but when the shadows draw around my head
remember help, not hurt, maketh the hand,
and build the bridge of friendship, where you stand.
-- lorepunk.eth
It was prophesized that one would pass through the flame unscathed, but this did not mean flesh. There was only one who could withstand the call of darkness.
One who needed the Flame to survive, to go on. She would approach the flame with a heart full of love, and a hope for freedom, and that's exactly what the flame would grant her.
Of course it would take her flesh as well, let's not be silly. The flame was gracious, not stupid.
Her tale will unfold, hand in hand with the love of her life, a brave warrior who had saved her from captivity and returned her home. Will these two will fulfill the Prophecy of Shadows and restore balance to the Runiverse?
Stay tuned to find out!
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