Passing through the Sacred Flame was an interesting experience for David. Aside from the obvious extreme pain and burning, melting flesh and popping eyeballs - it was actually rather fascinating when you take into account the huge amounts of hallucinogens that David took before embarking on this journey. However, what David didn't anticipate was the psychological effects upon becoming one of the undead... namely that brand new urge to snack day and night on all things bloody.
You see, being a blood eater isn't the easiest lifestyle choice. The amount of jokes and continual ribbing from his soul-chums can start to become somewhat draining. Imagine you're at a nice restaurant, and the waiter comes to your table to ask what the orders are... "Oh, let me guess David, you'll be having the steak extra rare yes? Don't fancy a nice omelet instead?". It's relentless. Imagine the daily disgust from vegans as well - constantly having problems with spare blood on your chin. It's really not easy to stay clean when the need to get right in there and smear that lovely blood all over the place is just too inviting.
Let's face facts too - the Nightmare Dominion has a real lack of decent grass-fed red meat. Given the lack of grass, and the lack of livestock - everything is imported in from the Elysian Fields, which is hellishly expensive. This means that hunting for prey is the only real alternative, and honestly we all know that David lacks thee wherewithal for efficient tracking and killing of particularly succulent specimens.
So when you think to yourself that maybe passing through the Sacred Flame will be a rewarding career move, you might want to think again.!
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