"The Somewhat Tragic Telling of the Forgotten Soul known as Malodorous Ghoul Cromwell of the Death Cloud That Ends Up OK.."
Cromwell was not always so hideous and creepy. In fact, he was considered an okay-looking if not (not) repulsive chap, based on his sprite spell portraits.
However, Cromwell had no sense smell. He was also painfully and almost ignominiously single. No lady would fancy Cromwell, for he emitted such a heinous and putrid odor somehow even he was unaware of. Perhaps it was due to the fact he had no sense of smell - however this is is dispute as some goblins previously known to have to sense of smell claimed to smell Cromwell a cavern away.
After many years obsessing over why folks would run at the very sight (turns out, smell) of him, he went mad. His poor dog, Anosmia, was the only creature that stood by him, likely because she had no choice.
Will choosing to pass through the sacred flame set Cromwell (and Anosmia) free?
So far, his stench actually seems to attract revenants and zombies like an aprodisiac! New adventures await..
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