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Wraith Devout Azazel of the Royal Wretch (#3274)

Owner: 0xaC3B…074F

Psst. What's a jester without a good joke?

Hint - a dead jester.

C'mon now, I wasn't that bad of a jester. Maybe I shouldn't have used the whoopie cushion during the Princess' special time of the month at the Wizard Fair, but c'mon, that was even MORE funny.

A pirate by trade, before I became an entertainer, I specialized in pirate jokes.

Here is a transcript of my final performance -

"What has eight arms and eight legs?"

"...Eight pirates!!!"


I mean with material like that, why am I dead??? OK OK, so one bad joke alone shouldn't lead to forced self immolation, so I was granted another by Scorch, the Gracious King of Tartarus!

"How much does a pirate pay for piercings?" (too long a pause..)

"A buck an ear. Get it? A buccaneer!"

King Scorch sent me to the Sacred Flame immediately after that GEM. Maybe he just didn't understand pirate humor.

So far, my career has been on the upswing. The undead seem have a much better sense of humor.

Although.. maybe its just they can't kill me.

Wait, I am gonna write that one down..

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