"We can explain everything, sir. It's not as bad as it looks!"
"We just borrowed the time glass," Atlas barely flinched as he beguiled even himself.
"Sort of got rather happy about it, and, uh..." the enchanted hourglass spoke aloud, not shocking Atlas in the slightest.
"um, we ran off in high spirits across dimensions, which are really just folded timespace metatarsels," Atlas retorted, cutting off the hourglass.
"Yeah, we did," said the Dimensional Hourglass.
"Who are you again?"
Atlas, seemingly accustomed to the question, said "we'll find out again soon. I'm still working on a way back.."
With a mighty whir and a boosh, a wyrmhole opened above Atlas and the Hourglass...
Entered by: 0x7f8D…5090 and preserved on chain (see transaction)