The first memory Nyx has is of waking up in the absolute pure darkness, on the shores of an ocean, in a faraway land. Yet she was not afraid of the dark. Far from it, she felt at peace. The reason for this feeling would unfold over time.
Nyx was adopted by a herd of mystical black stallions and though she was not a stallion herself, she quickly and confidently adapted their ways. Early on, the stallions recognized that Nyx was no normal pony. In fact, she possessed such exceptional power and beauty that the stallions feared her.
Over time, Nyx became the natural leader of the herd and something odd began to happen. Older stallions would perish and new youngsters would be born, yet year after year and decade after decade, Nyx never seemed to age. Nyx often would ride out into the dunes in the dark of night and ponder her purpose. She had visions of demons arriving on their shores and a great battle ensuing. So one thing Nyx knew for certain: she would have her herd prepared to defend their land at all costs.
Little did she know, the horse Gods of old had been watching her ever since she came into the world...
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