It is said that there are some Wizards throughout the Runiverse that are specifically known as Seekers of Truth, the truth being a knowledge of objective reality. Many moons ago, a knowledge-seeking but covetous tyrant wished to possess himself of this truth. He was called Grabbabash, a great Goblin Lord of the Wood. Grabbabash had come to a decision that truth was something which Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium ought be forced to tell him.
Xiaobo was arrested and brought, along with his onyx wolf familiar, Sharpe, to Grabbabash's court. "I have commanded that the truths which you know, Wizard, are to be told to me in words which I understand, otherwise your life is forfeit!" bellowed Grabbabash from his throne.
Xiaobo shifted his weight for a moment, dusted himself off, and then answered, "Do you observe in this chivalric Court the universal custom whereby if an arrested person tells the truth in answer to a question and that truth does not inculpate him, he is released to freedom?"
"Hmph. That is so as so," said the Lord, after pausing to think for a moment. Xiaobo glanced about the Court as Grabbabash contemplated the question, noticing a Wood Wizard present in the crowd.
"I call upon all of you here present to witness this, by the honor of our Lord," said Xiaobo, "as I will now tell you not one truth, but three."
"We must also be satisfied," said Grabbabash, "that what you claim to be these truths are, in fact, truth. The proof...must accompany the telling, Wizard," he said, pointing a meaty finger at Xiaobo.
"For such a Lord as you," said Xiaobo, "to whom we can give not one truth but three, we can also give truths which will be self-evident."
For the first time that day, Grabbabash smiled. The Wizard of the Wood among the Court began watching more intently.
"The first truth," said the Monk, "is - I am he who is called Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium. The second is that you have agreed to release me if I tell the truth. The third is that you wish to know the truth as you conceive it."
Grabbabash narrowed his eyes, cocked his brow, and began to process what Xiaobo had said. The goblins in the Court began chattering. Before the Goblin Lord had a chance to react, Xiaobo spoke up, "And if you would, My Lord - it would be most gracious of you to replace my horse, Auburn Hare the Swift, as he was eaten by your soldiers whom brought me to you."
The Goblin Lord looked as if he was caught off guard, and also as if he felt cheated. Xiaobo's familiar, Sharpe, looked up and glanced back and forth between the Wizard and the Lord. "Hmph...", Grabbabash shifted in his throne above Xiaobo and the rest of the Court, cracking his knuckles as he thought. "Your truth...", the Lord glared and pointed again at Xiaobo and found himself at a loss for words.
A hush fell over the Court. Grabbabash slammed his right fist down upon his right armrest and started laughing. The Court remained quiet, as the Lord's laughter trailed off and he cleared his throat.
"By this Court, you are released," Grabbabash uttered with a mixture of disgust and entertainment on his large and scarred face. "As for your horse," Grabbabash pretended to not look angry for a moment as he continued, "and as for your truths, Wizard...I hope your release finds my graciousness self-evident." the Lord said with smug smile.
Xiaobo solemnly bowed and said, "Long may Grabbabash reign." The rest of the Court clamored and began chanting this in repetition.
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